Bio:J. J. Llewellyn

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This is an ISFDB biography page for J. J. Llewellyn. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of J. J. Llewellyn. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of J. J. Llewellyn should be placed on Author:J. J. Llewellyn.

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This is an invented person. The description of this author used elsewhere is a "Professor of Archaeology at Oxford University". No such person exists, or at least none who has ever published anything. WorldCat knows of no book by him (other than "The Dark Crystal"), and the canonical indexes of articles in professional journals can find no author by this name except for a law professor J. J. Llewellyn at the Univ. of Alberta (Canada) and a Jennifer J. Llewellyn at Dalhousie Law School. It is clearly a name, and bio, made up to make the authorship look "real".